THE TECHNICAL SIDE - Setting Up a Gigg Challenge With the Software

Written by Lexi Davis
Updated 1 year ago

Gigg Challenge Setup Overview

In this article, I am going to walk you through the basics of setting up a challenge campaign. In the Gigg software platform, there are currently 5 main challenge types. They are:

  1. Comment Challenges

  2. Tag Challenges

  3. Site Challenges

  4. Social Site Challenges

  5. Bracket Challenges

There is already an in-depth article on the strengths, weaknesses and benefits of each challenge type that can be found here in our help documentation so we’re not going to focus on the specifics of each challenge type in this article.

Instead, we’re going to do an overview that focuses on the common steps it takes to set up a challenge correctly in the Gigg platform.

So, once you know what type of a challenge campaign you want to run, navigate to and log into your account. From here click the “New” button and select Create Challenge.

Give the challenge a name and click Create Challenge.

From here you will already be in Challenge Settings where you can begin setting up your masterpiece.

The easiest place to start is here in the Setup Tab. This is where you, as the name suggests, set up whatever challenge you had in mind. All you have to do is go through and fill out each of these tabs. Once you’ve done that, you can see that everything is completed when you click on the Finalize tab and make sure that everything is green. If there is something missing in that section, the line at the top of that section header will be red.

Lastly, when you are ready to make your challenge live and publicly available, click the “Publish" button at the bottom and then click the “Copy Embed Code” so you can simply paste it into the page on your site.

And you’re done. This is where the fun begins. Your followers and fans can now submit their entries and you can accept or reject them by coming back to your account, clicking on the "Submissions" tab in the left sidebar and moderate to your heart’s content.

We do have another video (below) that goes through each of the setup tabs individually, so, if you want additional details about those, please feel free to watch that one!

Challenge Setup Tabs Walk-Through

In this article, I am going to walk you through each of the tabs and what they do when you’re setting up challenges.

So, first let’s review just a couple of things. The main piece you need to remember is that these secondary tabs will update depending on the challenge type that you select. So, your comment and tag challenges don’t use all of the tabs, so you won’t see them all. Site and bracket challenges, however, use them all. We’re going to start off creating a site challenge so that we can show all of the tabs and explain what each one does.

The Type Tab

Let’s start with the Type tab. Above the fold in the general section is where you’ll select the challenge campaign type, enter the challenge admin’s information, the URL where the challenge will be embedded and select what types of submissions this challenge will accept. All of that admin stuff.

Then, below the fold you can select your intro video which is the one that announces what the challenge is, how it will be judged, etc. We have a whole article and examples just around the intro video that we encourage you to reference when you create yours. It isn’t difficult, but there are a few really important things that we share that you’ll want to know about when you make yours.

Then you have your intro cover which is the image that will show on your dashboard.

You also have the chance to add a Confirmation Video. This plays once a contestant has submitted their entry and is typically used to let them know you go the video and give them any additional information you want to about the challenge.

Lastly, there’s a background image that sits behind the competition just like the background of a webpage.

Once you’ve filled out the required information in the “Type” tab and hit save this is when you’ll notice the tabs update based on the challenge type you selected.

The Rounds Tab

The second tab from the left is the rounds tab. This is where you setup the overall structure of the challenge. You can adjust the number of rounds, the duration of each round, how winners of that round are selected, how many advance to the following round, whether you want Gigg to automatically notify competitors of their advancement status and whether you want Gigg to automatically move on to the next round at the end of the round.

The Rules Tab

The rules tab only has 2 sections. Both of them exist all throughout the challenge campaign and this is where most entrants will refer to get their more detailed information about the challenge. The Challenge Introduction/Description is the top one and sits right below the introduction video. This is where you list what the challenge is and the basics about what content you’re gathering and, most importantly, make a big deal about the prizes. If there are any other pointers that you want the entrants to know (like what to do if their having difficulty submitting their videos or whatnot) you can spell that out for them in this section.

Below that are the official rules. This is where you put your legal jargon to make sure you are protected just in case. These are usually living behind an “Official rules” link that anyone can click on to understand this stuff if they want to.

The Messaging Tab

So, do you remember in the rounds tab the toggle that provides the ability to “Auto-notify competitors”? This is where that comes in. You can enter the email or SMS that entrants receive when they submit an entry, when they advance to the next round, when they are eliminated, when the winner has been chosen, and even the specific email for the winner letting them know the next steps to claim prizes, etc. You can set all of that up beforehand.

The whole idea here is that you could technically create a challenge that runs itself completely once you’ve approved the submissions.

A pro-tip here is that if you hover over the little question mark, you can actually make these very personalized using the variable options that are available.

The Sponsor Tab

The fifth tab is the sponsor tab. It’s where you upload the sponsor images that will be on the different pages of the challenge. It gets the sponsor name in front of every person that comes to the challenge. You can also enter their different social media handles.

The Terms & Conditions Tab

The terms and conditions tab is simply where you, the brand, accept Gigg’s terms and conditions for using the platform.

The Finalize Tab

The last tab is where you can go to make sure you have everything filled out properly. If it’s green, you have the minimum required information saved. If it’s red, there is still work to be done. Once you’re ready to make the challenge public, the finalize tab is also where you click “Publish” and get the embed code to paste on your site if the challenge will live on your site.

That was a lot to go over, but hopefully this helps you know what each tab does and how it affects the end users, entrants and voters alike.

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